DURATION: 5 to 10 minutes.
ANAESTHESIA/PAIN RELIEF: Local anaesthetic cream.
RECOVERY TIME: 1-7 days.
SUITABLE FOR: Those looking to eliminate the uncomfortable symptoms of vaginal atrophy symptoms of Genitourinary Syndrome of the Menopause.
For most women, navigating major life events such as childbirth and the menopause can be hard enough without having to deal with the undesirable after-effects of such momentous occasions. Unfortunately, both giving birth and moving on to the next stage of life can bring with them some unwelcome symptoms – vaginal atrophy ranking amongst the most common.
What is vaginal atrophy and who does it affect?
Sometimes known as genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM), vaginal atrophy frequently affects post-menopausal women due to the reduced amount of oestrogen present in the body when monthly menstruation comes to an end at the menopause. In most cases, oestrogen is the hormone responsible for the maintenance of a healthy, well-lubricated vagina. When these hormone levels drop, the tissues of the pelvic floor, bladder, the vagina the cervix and the uterus all deteriorate leading to dryness and irritation, bladder dysfunction, painful sexual activity, and sometimes bleeding.
This is a problem that can affect many woman whose levels of oestrogen are low for reasons other than the menopause. For example women who have been treated for breast cancer who are still premenopausal may need to take medication to block oestrogen stimulation to reduce the risk of recurrence of their breast cancer. These women may develop profound symptoms of GSM.
Furthermore women suffering with endometriosis undergoing medical treatment can experience these symptoms. Women who are breastfeeding and those taking progesterone only birth control medication may experience these symptoms. Fortunately for these women, the symptoms should be short lived and resolve after completion of their treatment or stopping breastfeeding or their progesterone only contraception.
Clearly a hysterectomy with removal of the ovaries can also be responsible for the emergence of vaginal atrophy as the main source of normal oestrogen production will have been removed causing a menopause.
The main symptoms of vaginal atrophy
Vaginal thinning and reduced vaginal lubrication can trigger a series of painful symptoms in those it affects. These include burning sensations when urinating, uncomfortable feelings of itchiness, irregular bleeding and pain during intercourse. Recurrent symptoms of urinary tract infections (UTIs) can also be associated with this gynaecological condition.
On a more intimate level, this can have a major bearing on women not wanting to engage in sexual activity on a regular basis, causing personal relationships to suffer. Severe symptoms of GSM may have a very detrimental effect on not only physical health but also on psychological well being.
Introducing MonaLisa Touch®
There is a safe, effective and non hormonal solution. MonaLisa Touch® is a revolutionary form of laser treatment that has been designed specifically to meet the problems of vaginal atrophy and GSM and improve the quality of life for those affected by this unpleasant condition. As a painless and non-surgical method of managing the loss of those all-important oestrogen supplies, MonaLisa Touch® works by improving blood supply to the pelvic tissues encouraging the production of collagen and elastin in this sensitive area and stimulating the restoration of the mucous membranes of the vagina to great effect.
This treatment restores the vagina to its correct acidity (PH) by facilitating the normal bacteria (lactobacillae) to become re-established reducing problems such as bacterial vaginosis. It improves its overall function, taking you back to the days when oestrogen was in plentiful supply and helping you recapture that lost confidence.
Choose Mr Francis Gardner
It’s natural to feel nervous about undergoing a medical procedure, but, with Mr Francis Gardner, you can be assured that you’ll be given the best possible care and support at every stage of your treatment journey. As the founder of Advanced Gynaecology UK, Mr Gardner has over 5 years of experience of MonaLisa Touch® treatments and is widely praised for his dedication to the comfort, safety and satisfaction of all of his patients. Book in with him by getting in touch today!
Vaginal atrophy is very common and can affect even those women who are taking systemic hormone replacement therapy (HRT). However, those affected by the symptoms listed above are very likely to suffer from vaginal atrophy. A simple clinical examination will clarify if you have vaginal atrophy or another gynaecological problem.
The majority of patients undergo a course of 3 treatment sessions that are each 4-6 weeks apart.
Mr Gardner uses a local anaesthetic cream applied to the target area, so this treatment is not generally considered to be painful for even those women with severe symptoms of GSM. Some women report a tingling sensation during this procedure.
This varies from patient to patient, but for most women the results should last 12 to 18 months. This can be influenced by lifestyle, which takes in things such as smoking, sexual activity and diet.
If symptoms return then a single booster treatment in most cases will restore the effect.
Choose Mr Francis Gardner
It’s natural to feel nervous about undergoing a medical procedure, but, with Mr Francis Gardner, you can be assured that you’ll be given the best possible care and support at every stage of your treatment journey. As the founder of Advanced Gynaecology UK, Mr Gardner has over 5 years of experience of MonaLisa Touch® treatments and is widely praised for his dedication to the comfort, safety and satisfaction of all of his patients. Book in with him by getting in touch today!