DURATION: This depends on how many polyps or fibroids need to be removed, but this procedure can take as little as 10 minutes to perform.
ANAESTHESIA/PAIN RELIEF: Local anaesthetic may be required.
RECOVERY TIME: Recovery time is different for all patients but, aside from some cramping and light spotting, there should be no adverse side effects to this treatment.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Please take 1 gram of Paracetamol and 400 mg of Ibuprofen (provided you don’t have any allergies or other reasons not to take these medications) 1 hour before you attend your appointment. It is recommended you wear clothing that is comfortable and easy for you to remove. You can bring a partner or friend with you for emotional support.
SUITABLE FOR: Women who have been advised to undergo an operative hysteroscopy following diagnosis with polyps, fibroids or other areas of abnormal tissue.

The MyoSure procedure is a form of operative hysteroscopy used to remove fibroids or polyps – two variations of non-cancerous growth that can occur in or around the womb and cervix and cause heavy menstrual bleeding, inferilty and postmenopausal bleeding.
Before undergoing this form of treatment, women will normally undergo a diagnostic hysteroscopy to determine the nature of the changes. These changes can be demonstrated to you during this initial investigation.
When the cause of these symptoms is determined to be fibroids or polyps, many patients choose to have these removed with the MyoSure procedure during the same procedure preventing delay.
Mr Gardner is an Internationally recognised expert in performing these procedures in awake patients. These procedures should be pain free.
What is a hysteroscopy?
Used to both diagnose and treat gynaecological conditions, hysteroscopies are short procedures in which a narrow telescope is passed into the cervix via the vagina in order to give medical professionals a clearer view of the inside of the cervix and uterine cavity. With the help of the hysteroscope, a thin telescope that features a light and camera, it is possible for your cervix and uterus to be scrutinised in more detail and the cause of your symptoms determined. Following diagnosis, the stage will then be set for a range of different treatment options.

The MyoSure procedure
Of the many operative hysteroscopies available, the MyoSure procedure is one of the most commonly performed for those looking to have polyps, fibroids or areas of abnormal tissue removed from the cervix or uterus. When attending your MyoSure procedure with Mr Gardner, your treatment will begin in a similar way to that of a diagnostic hysteroscopy, with the hysteroscope inserted into your cervix and being passed through the vagina. After this, a specially designed device will be used to excise abnormal tissue, polyps or fibroids from the affected areas. The tissue which is excised is removed immediately as part of the procedure with the aid of the suction action of the device. All tissue will be sent for histological assessment. Mr Gardner will then remove the hysteroscope from the cervix. The whole procedure should take only 1 to 5 minutes for polyps and directed biopsies and 5 to 15 minutes for fibroids.
The benefits of the MyoSure procedure
Patients who have suffered from heavy bleeding, either as a result of polyps or fibroids are an another condition, often recover well from the procedure and report a significant improvement in their monthly periods. MyoSure can prove useful in treating structural abnormalities causing infertility such as polyps and fibroids. It is very useful to provide reliable tissue to support the diagnosis of endometrial cancer. The MyoSure procedure is also notable for being a method of surgery that carries a very low risk of damaging or perforating normal uterine tissue. It is not suitable for patients who may be pregnant but for women with delayed miscarriage or retained placental tissue it is an ideal technology as the tissue can be removed under direct vision with the least possible disturbance to the surrounding healthy tissue.
Mr Francis Gardner
As an expert gynaecologist, Mr Francis Gardner has been performing various forms of operative hysteroscopy for more than 25 years. He is an expert in a wide range of gynaecological conditions and is favoured by his patients for his professional, comforting and sensitive approach. You can book in for your MyoSure procedure with him, or an initial consultation by getting in touch today.
This treatment is the best treatment for directed biopsy, polyps and submucous fibroids.
Not usually. The MyoSure procedure is normally seen as one that is safe for everyone, with there being a very low possibility of normal bodily or organ function being affected by this procedure.
As with many forms of surgery, however small, there is a chance that patients will experience complications after the MyoSure procedure. Bleeding is common after all operative procedures but it should not be heavy. For directed biopsy and resection of polyps most bleeding settles after 1 to 3 days. Bleeding after resection of a fibroid may last up to 10 days. Uterine perforation of the uterus is a rare complication (1:1000 cases). Post procedure scarring or adhesion formation are also very rare as the tissues are cut with a surgical blade preventing desiccation which reduced scar formation. Post procedure infection is also rare but offensive abnormal discharge, fever, pelvic pain or persistent vomiting are indications that something may be wrong, so you will need to seek medical advice as soon as you can if you experience any of these symptoms
No, it should not. MyoSure treatment has been demonstrated to improve chances of conception if there has been a structural abnormality such as a fibroid or polyp.