The vulva is a term used to describe the external female genitalia. The vulva comprises a number of different components such as the labia majora and minora, the clitoris and the mons pubis. Maintaining healthy tissues in the vulva is important to a woman’s overall wellbeing as the vulva is intimately involved with both toileting and sexual function. Unfortunately, the various components of the vulva are susceptible to abnormal changes which is something that can be very distressing and have an impact on your overall wellbeing.
Every woman is different, which is why the reasons behind the development of vulval lumps or the appearance of swelling can vary so dramatically. It’s important to note that these potentially concerning symptoms are usually indicative of something that can be managed and eliminated with the care and attention of a seasoned healthcare professional such as Mr Francis Gardner. There are times, however, when vulval swelling and lumps may require more invasive treatment.

Why is the vagina moist?
Moistness is usually a sign of a healthy vagina and is used by the body as an intelligent way of keeping this area wet. Such wetness is largely controlled by two areas of the female reproductive system – the Bartholin glands and the cervix – and helps to stave off infection, maintain lubrication during sex and create an environment that is conducive to conception.
Thanks to a decline in the amount of oestrogen that the body produces after women go through the menopause, post-childbirth or when breastfeeding, the vagina becomes less moist and more prone to spells of dryness. Even if this area does not feel particularly dry, there are many common symptoms that have come to be associated with vaginal dryness. These include pain during intercourse, persistent urinary tract infections (UTIs) and significant soreness or irritation.
More than changes in hormones
Although changing hormone levels can have a significant impact on the moistness of the vagina, there are other reasons for this sensitive area becoming dry and irritated. In some instances, vaginal dryness is a product of low sexual arousal and not feeling stimulated enough or mentally prepared for sexual intercourse. When aroused, the vagina will often secrete a suitable amount of fluid to make this activity more seamless. If you experience little-to-no feelings of excitement, far less fluid will be produced and sex can be painful and uncomfortable as a result.
There is also a possibility that your vaginal dryness could stem from the use of certain perfumed soaps, beauty or bathing products. When washing the vagina, it is always advised to do so with a product that has a neutral PH balance and is free from fragrances or ingredients that could cause irritation. There are plenty of these available on the market.
A lack of confidence
Vaginal dryness, whilst scarcely an indication of a serious condition, can cause those who are afflicted by it to experience a distinct lack of confidence, periods of frustration and a complete of loss of interest in sex. But this doesn’t have to remain an issue. With medical care and support from Mr Francis Gardner, you can address the reasons for your vaginal dryness and work towards making this problem a much more manageable one. To take advantage of the services of one of the country’s leading gynaecologists, book your consultation or One Stop See and Treat appointment with Mr Gardner today.
It’s advisable to monitor these symptoms and note any small changes you may experience when demonstrating vaginal dryness. If these symptoms become a concern or begin to affect the completion of daily or normally enjoyable activities, such as sex, it’s always advisable to get checked out.
In instances such as this, it is better to consult a medical professional such as a gynaecologist as soon as you can. Although these symptoms may be easily explained, it’s a good idea to seek out the opinion of an expert to put your mind at ease. Sometimes, bleeding after sex can indicate an underlying problem which requires expert assessment and treatment.
In many cases, this condition can be self-managed or will resolve itself. However, women who are approaching the menopause or who have passed the menopause may have genitourinary syndrome of the menopause, or GSM. This condition can be treated with non-hormonal treatment, hormonal treatment or intra-vaginal lasers such as MonaLisa Touch®. It is essential to have a thorough assessment prior to commencing these treatments in order to rule out any other causes of these symptoms.